Requesting Deletion of Your Data

Requesting Account Deletion

To request the deletion of your account with Ava, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Ava app on your device.
  2. Navigate to the 'Settings' menu.
  3. Select 'Delete My Account'.

By selecting 'Delete My Account', you acknowledge and request the complete removal of your account and all associated data from Ava's servers. This action is irreversible.

Data Deletion

Upon confirmation of your request to delete your account, Ava will permanently erase all your personal data from our servers. This includes but is not limited to your personal identification details, transaction history, and credit information. No backup copies of your data will be retained, and the data cannot be recovered once your account is deleted.

Data Retention

Please note that in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, Ava may retain anonymized data for analytical and reporting purposes. However, this data will be stripped of all personally identifiable information and cannot be linked back to any individual user.

By proceeding with the account deletion, you consent to the deletion of your data as described above and acknowledge that Ava fulfills its obligations regarding data deletion and retention as per regulatory standards.